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beta fish problem

23 14:59:17

Thank you for your fast reply.  my fish just started swimming really fast, almost convulsing and bumping into the walls of the tank.  now he is laying on the bottom, breathing really really heavy - totally not normal and very distressed.  he looks like he is about to die - his whole body is moving so hard as he breathes!  what can i do? i am afraid he is dying! please help!

Followup To
Question -
I've had my beta for 9 months now.  he's been living in the same bawl (~3 liter) with some pebbles and a small cave (no live plants) and a heater.  I've been changing 100% of his water regularly every week (tap water with bawl conditioner).  but for the last 2-3 days he's been feeling sick.  before i changed the water yesterday, he started breathing really hard and staying very still at the bottom of his plant, near the heater. after i changed the water, he became much whiter than usual (he's since became his normal red) but is still staying very still and breathes very very heavy.  he hasn't eaten anything this morning.  what's going on with my little beta and what can i do to help?
thanks in advance for your help!
Answer -
Hi Larisa;

Poor guy. It sounds like his swim bladder has failed. Here is a web page about it;

I hope he feels better soon......

At Your Service;
Chris Robbins

Hi Larisa;

Honestly, it sounds very bad and I don't know that anything can really help. He may have an infection, organ failure or something else we can't see. You might try some "Maracyn 2". It's an antibiotic that may help if he's sick from an internal infection. Fish stores usually have it.

I wish I had more to offer.......
