Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Fish > Jack Dempsey lying upside down on bottom of tank

Jack Dempsey lying upside down on bottom of tank

23 14:03:19

QUESTION: Hi, I just recently (today),  found my Jack Dempsey lying on the bottom of the tank upside down. He is breathing pretty normal but he is not moving. When I touch him with the net his swims up the right way but goes back down on his back. He is about 6 1/2 inches long and I just recently adopted him (a week ago) from a pet store. (a previous owner didn't want him anymore). I now have him in a 10 gallon hospital tank for fear that is has a disease. I added some Epsom salt because I thought that he has swim bladder disease. (common for goldfish but not sure for cichlids) I am afraid that he maybe incurable and that he is done for. He was fine the whole 7 days until now. What could I have down wrong? I have other ciclids that have never acted this way before. The water tests are normal and I did a 30% and 50% water change. Any other advice would be helpful because the pet stores around here do not know anything and I do not trust them.  Other info. Temp is 78-80 degrees and sick tank not well oxygenated. Also he has only ate a small amount of bloodworms yesterday and that was all since I brought him home. He wouldnt eat the ciclid gold or brine shrimp. I appreciate all your help and if you need more information just ask. Please respond ASAP I don't want him to suffer.

ANSWER: Hi April,
  Sorry I couldn't answer your question sooner.  This doesn't sound good and I suspect that by now he has likely died??  There is really nothing you can do for a fish once it is upside down.  Being upside down indicates that the fish has completely lost control of its balance which typically means either a major intestinal infection or a major problem with its swim bladder.  Sorry.

-- Ron
  Cichlid Research Home Page <>

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Thank you for the reply. Yes, Jack has passed about a day after I wrote. I wish I could have prevented this from happening. Is there a way to keep this from happening again to future fish? Did I do something wrong as far as tank enviroment? Also is there a general antibiotic to use as a preventative measure to keep fish from being infected? I really hope I didn't cause his death. I enjoy having fish and I am not quite a pro yet. I have several large tanks and an indoor pond with several different species of Cichlids. One last question. I am wanting to get another Jack Dempsey. Should I treat the tank before getting another fish? My other fish seem to be fine. Thanks again and I look forward to seeking your advice again.

Hi April,
  I strongly advise against using general antibiotics.  Only treat with a medication if you know exactly what you are treating otherwise you run the great risk of doing more damage than good.  

  It is hard to say if you did something wrong but it easily could be that you didn't do anything wrong.  The number one guidepost for fish keeping is providing clean water.  That means regular weekly water changes of 25% of the water in the tank.  If you do that, you will have very few problems.  (I would not treat the tank but I might change half  of the water).

-- Ron
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