Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Fish > LOSING FISH HELP!!


23 11:13:38

Hey Ron, its me again and i'm having some serious problems!!! Yesterday I lost 3 fish one was killed by another but, 2 of them had no external damage or any illness from what could be seen. Now i have a jack dempsey that is almost 7 inch could he kill a 6 inch flowerhorn by ramming it, also my tiger shovel nose kicked the bucket today......his eyes were cloudy and had traces of blood around them. Am i having a problem with an aggressive fish or do you think this could be from a parasite? Please get back to me ASAP!!!!!

Hi Dylan,
 It is more likely aggression than a parasite.  Also, when a fish dies, and particularly a large fish, it is really important that you change about 25% of the water.  Fish rot quickly and can rapidly foul the water.  Catfish are particularly toxic when they die.

-- Ron C.
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