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Help! somethings wrong with my cichlids!!!!

23 14:03:18

about 3 weeks ago i was given 12 African cichlids ( I'm not sure of exact kind ) i have a 40 gallon tank most of them are baby's except 3 the other 2 are doing ok i guess but the one stays by the filter and i noticed its tail and fin is chewed up i haven't seen them be aggressive towards him and also he hasn't eat in days. so that was my first worry!! also i noticed my fish are not how they say they should be they don't go to the top for food they seem stupid!!! and they are not very aggressive like i had heard so what's wrong with my fish? is it me or them?

Hi Stacey,
  The fish are not stupid, they are just frightened and confused about now living in a new home.  It is also clear that one of them is beating up the others.

-- Ron
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