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Fish Compatible

23 11:01:10

I have a Marineland 56 gallon 30" W x 18" D x 24" H is it okay to put the following fish together in this size tank?  I'm mostly going to put plants and log caves as decoration and visual barriers.

x 1 Angelfish
x 1 Opaline Gourami
x 1 Leopard Ctenopoma
x 1 Rainbow Shark
x 1 Brown Knifefish

Thank you for your time.

sorry for the slow response.
i think that'd be fine provided you have ample cover/territory. make sure the knife fish and the ctenapoma get enough food, try feeding them after lights out.
the shark will do a lot of chasing, but they rarely attack anything. keep an eye on the angel and knife's fins to make sure the shark isn't hurting them.