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My fish had babies!

23 15:10:59

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Question -
We have a 15 gallon freshwater tank.  At one point, we had 3 mollys, but 2 of them died from ick.  We've just finally gotten the water back in good shape, and the 1 remaining molly had about 10 babies.  I didn't even know she was PG (is that what you call it for fish?), especially since the ick was there and everything had been out of whack.  

I have no idea what to do with the babies to ensure that they don't get sucked up into the filter or eaten by the mom, or even if they need special food/housing.

Any advice would be appreciated!
Answer -
Hi Cristy;


The babies can be separated to their own tank or just provide plenty of plants and other hiding places in the tank you have them in now. They eat regular fish food. Just crumble some of it very small.

Followups welcome

At Your Service;
Chris Robbins


OK, so my next question is, what do I do with them once they get bigger?  Obviously a 15 gallon aquarium would be kind of small for 11+ mollys to live comfortably...  I don't really want to upgrade to a larger aquarium, because I'm about to be moving to a very small apartment.  Do you know if pet stores accept 'donations' or should I start looking for people with aquariums to give them away?

Hi Cristy;

Most stores will take fish donations. If you can grow them to a size that you can tell the sexes, you might be able to get a few cents for them too. Make lots of water changes (25% twice a week) and feed small amounts of food several times a day. This grows babies fast!

Followups welcome

At Your Service;
Chris Robbins