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is my betta pregnant?

23 14:14:29

I have a male and  a female betta fish! Lately the famale has been hiding from the male and shes really fat. She doesnt move around much! She just stays hid. Is she pregnant and if so what should i do!

Hi Ashley,
 Bettas are egg layers so they don't get pregnant as such. The male builds a bubble nest and the female lays the eggs which he then grabs in his mouth and spits up into the nest.  They take 2 to 3 days to hatch.

 If she is hiding, then she is not ready to spawn yet so I would let her stay hiding.  Male bettas do not like to see female bettas except when the female is there to spawn. The rest of the time, he could easily kill her if she hangs around his territory too much.

-- Ron
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