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Oscar odd behavior

23 11:32:41

Hi I just bought two full grown oscars'. When I first saw them, one was head down in the tank. The lady said he' been doing this because he jumped out of the tank. She also said that it has happened 2 other times in the last year, and he usually snaps out of it. I noticed he doesn't seem to move his tail  end much, could he have broken spine or some other brain damage or maybe just how they deal with shock? Neither fish seems to be interested in food either. May be in relation to the moving of them and the tank.

Hi Denice,
 I would give them time.  Oscars can take several weeks to adjust to a move.  The good news is that they can go a long time (weeks) without food so don't worry about that.  It is critical that you remove any uneaten food and not let it rot or it will foul the water and that can quickly make the oscars sick.

-- Ron
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