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oscars and veggies

23 11:48:05


Luna the tiger oscar
Hi I saw you answer someones question where you stated that oscars should be given veggies.
is there any particular ones they should be given?
and should they be given raw or cooked or prepared in a certain way?
I have a young tiger oscar and I give her peas and spinage which she eats,
sometimes she'll leave the peas
although I only defrost them so should I cook them?.
she loves spiders and ants
but I tried her with earthworms and she wasnt too kean
maybe I didnt clean them properly,
I only washed the soil off them.
I just gave her a grape and she headbutted it,
have you any ideas how I can get her to eat more veggies if its what she needs.
at the moment she has hikari cichlid gold pellets and  tetra doromin complete food sticks.
once a week i give her tetra fresh delica brine shrimp or blood worms and a frozen sprat after its thrawed out.
Iv also been training her to take food from my hands and to be less aggressive (I was given her as my 19th birthday present because my brother rescued her from his friends tank and the water was so dirty you couldnt see the fish, she had extremely bad fin rot but shes in very good health now).i have been giving her tubifex worm cubes (freeze dried), she well take these from me. also ant eggs and cichlid flake food as a treat.
The spiders she has when there are any around
Am I doing right with the food and training her?
are there other insects she can have
also I wanted to get another fish to go with her because she had another oscar in the dirty tank before I got her
I was thinking of a jack dampsey but I showed her a picture of an oscar from a book I got and she went mental
so I thought any fish I got would become very expensive oscar dinner
are there any other tank mates I could get like clams or mussles? and if so do they need and special food
I really want something to clear up what she spits out
thank you for your help and sorry there are so many questions
this is my first fish and none of my family have had fish before

Hi Kate,
An Jack Dampsey is true to his name, and will fight, and kill fish in your tank, once he is older.  Fish that have names like "Green Terror" you must be careful as they do not have these names for nothing.  I find that Oscars are not bad, but rather docile.  I have had Angel fish with mine, and the Oscar was scared stiff of one particular Angel.  She would bite his nose, and I he would sit in the corner horrified of finally had to remove her from that tank.  Of course they were all brought up together.  I bought them very small, but the true character eventually comes out.
An Oscar needs a 60 gallon tank all to himself, two Oscars you must double that, and so on.
Seeing has he has been alone for quite some time, I wouldn't advise you to put another fish in with him unless you have a very big tank of 100 gallons or more.  If you do have a big tank, then go with less aggressive Cichlids such as the Severum.  You must buy the fish quite big, or the Oscar who is now comfortable in his home, will harm him...and it is no guarantee that he won't harm him as he now considers the whole tank his home.  I wouldn't put another fish in with him.  Make sure your tank is big enough to house two fish.  This is very important.  If your tank isn't big enough, you will bring stress, and disease to your fish.
  I buy my Oscars frozen foods, that I find mixed at the super market.  He eats peas, green beans, broccoli, and carrots. I blanch them first, and let them cool before giving him some.  I find this handy because I only take out what I need.  You can also give him fresh veggies, but cook them first for a little while.
They also like fruit, apples, mangoes, bananas, nothing sour.  Crickets, ants, and clean worms are also good for him.  You clean the worms by putting them in oats for a week or so.  You can also give him fish that come from lakes, and rivers, such as trout, but nothing coming from the sea, or salt water fish.
They need their pellets, flakes, and frozen foods that you find at your Pet Store as they have lots of vitamins, and calcium that the Oscar needs.  Never feed him feeder fish as they are almost always full of disease, and have no nutritional value.  
Vary his diet, and do your water changes every week or more if you have ammonia in your water.  Always check for ammonia every week to make sure it is down to zero, or safe.
I love the tiger Oscar, and think yours is beautiful!
Your Oscar will love the new foods, and he will be healthy, and happy.
Have a nice day