Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Fish > Planaria, continued

Planaria, continued

23 14:14:52

Dear Tina, thank you for your response to my question. However, I have a problem.
1) I didn't tell you that I have a Freshwater tank, not a Saltwater one like you do. Are your dosing directions the same for a fresh water tank?
2) I do have CopperSafe. The directions for a 10 gallon Freshwater tank say to use 10 drops one day, then 10 drops again in 48 hours. Concentration = 0.5 ppm. If I use 2.5 teaspoons in 10 gallons, conc. = 6.25 ppm, which 12.5x recommended dose. Ouch!! :(
3) I'm sure you know that Copper is very toxic to fish. In fact the label says that fish can handle up to 0.8 ppm Cu, but do not recommend going above 0.6 ppm Cu. I'm sorry, but I really do not feel comfortable giving my fish a 10x dose of copper!
I have maintained a half-dose of Coppersafe for 2 months, but it had no effect on the little worms.
Please don't take this the wrong way, I do appreciate your knowledge and experience and I hope you can respond to this message. Talk to you soon, Bill

Bill,                                                        I have used coppersafe successfully for yrs,and have recommended it with alot of great feedback. It is still 1 tsp. per 4 gallons.....If you are unsure you can refer this question to chris robbins .... expert. He is very knowledgeable. I trust his opinion. Yes copper is a mineral and does have repercussions like any medicine you may use....sorry it took me so long to get back had a computer virus. Good Luck, Tina