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23 13:56:21

Hey There

I have 4 cories,5 harlequins and 6 glowlights.

The cories have spawned and I have found 7 eggs on the side of the tank.

What should I do?

I don't have anoter tank to move the fish and this is my main tank!

Shall I put the eggs in a breeders net?

Also, what other fish can I add to the tank?

I would like to bump the glowlight and harlequin shoals up to ten and add two panda cories and add 10 rummynoses!

What are your suggestions?

Thanks a lot    Samuell

Hi Samuell,
  You could try moving the eggs to a small container with an airstone bubbling in it.

  Which fish you can add to your tank depends on how large it is.  How large is the tank?

-- Ron
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