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Sick Betta Follow-Up

23 14:59:42

Hi Chris. I wrote to you yesterday about my sick betta who seemingly has swim bladder disorder or some other kind of stomach ailment. I want to thank you for your quick response. Yesterday before I left I added betta fix remedy along with aquarium salt. I really didn't expect him to live overnight. This morning, he is still alive but of course not eating (and if it is a stomach ailment it makes sense). I am going to give him the peas you recommended tomorrow. Stupid question, but I'm assuming you mean frozen peas: as in, boil them, cool them down, and peel them? Then just give him one small one cut up into pieces, is that right? Thanks again for your help. He really is a BEAUTIFUL betta and I would hate for something to happen to him.

Hi Kelly;

I use fozen peas and just put a couple in a tiny bit of water and cook it for a few seconds. Just until the water boils for a moment. Let it cool and peel off the round outer skin before you feed him chunks of it.

It is also important to be sure his tank water is at least 76 degrees. 80 to 85 would be even better. Bettas are tropical and need at least 76, but need higher when not feeling well. It increases metabolism and boosts the immune system. Put the tank in a warm place or put a light on him and let the temperature rise gradually to where it should be.

Another treatment possibility is to use epsom salt. Not regular salt or aquarium salt, but epsom salt like you would find in the drugstore to soak your feet in. Here is a page about it;

Hopefully one of those methods will fix him up.

At Your Service;
Chris Robbins