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Bettas and neon tetras

23 14:45:42

I am new at this and looking to set up an aquarium.  I am trying to decide on a male beta or the neon tetra and wondering if the two species can live together in the same aquarium and if so, should they be added to the tank at the same time or establish one species first and then introduce the other later?  Also if they can be kept in the same tank, how large should it be and how neons should there be?  I know there should not be more than one beta.  Thanks for your time.

Hello Sue,
Saldy, no, bettas and neons can not live together despite there butiful colors they display. I have a cousin that had a betta and 4 neon tetras and the betta slowly, but sherly, ate all of the neons. They see them as a kind of brine shrimp, a  food they eat in the wild that is similar i size to neons.
Hope This Helps