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re:my betta fish

23 11:48:17

Ok, the bump is just under his head on his chest. He is eating well. I usually feed him about5 pellets. They are Hikari Betta Bio Gold. He seems to really like them. I did have him in one of those small little bowls that they have at Walmart with a divider between them and another fish. My mom got them pretty glass containers and so now they are in separate containers. Mom said they hold about a little less than a half gallon each. I dont know what temperature they are they just sit on my desk. thank you so much for answering me and helping me with Freddy.


Hi Elizabeth,
Your betta may have SBD which is caused by poor diet, and overfeeding which lead to constipation, then Swim Bladder Disease.  Cook a frozen pea until tender, remove the outer layer, and cut it into small pieces.  Feed the pieces one at a time to your Betta making sure he eats them, and that they won't fall to the bottom of the tank.  Give him nothing else to eat for two days.  Hopefully he will waste.  If he does not waste, you will have to treat him with Kanamycin, Tetracycline, or Furan 2.  Be careful not to overdose, read the directions on the package carefully.  If he waste, then you do not need this medication.
A Betta should have one pea a week, and on the day you give him the pea, he should fast.  This cleans out his system, and keeps him healthy.  He should have pellets one day, daphnia the next, betta flakes the next, and bloodworms once a week.  He should be fed 2-3 small meals a day.  Example: 2 pellets for one meal.  His tummy is the size of his eye, so we must always remember this when feeding him.
I would also like to mention, that Bettas should be in 5 gallon tanks.  They may live in shallow waters in their habitat, but they have lots of room to swim.  They are one of the most mistreated fish on the market.  This is not your fault, but the fault of the vendors who sell these small bowls, and gadgets, just to make a buck.   They send you home with a betta, bloodworms, and a small bowl saying that this is all a betta needs.  This is a lie.  The poor customer goes home thinking that his Betta will be happy, but unfortunately, Bettas are miserable in bowls, one gallon tanks, and vases.  They are tropical fish and need 80 degree water to live long, and happy lives.  When bringing up the temperature for fish, you must do this very very slowly.  One degree every two days, as raising the temperature too fast would cause death.  Bettas living in small containers, unheated tanks will get sick, and are hard to cure.
I thought you might want to know this.  It's a pity they don't have little pamphlets on bettas in the stores so that people would know more about them.
In a half gallon tank you must change his water twice a week, and make sure the water is the same temperature as the one he was in when you do change the water.  Always use a good water conditioner such as stress coat or aquaplus.  Small thermometers  can be bought for a small sum at Walmart, or the Pet Store.
I hope this will help, and that you will understand your friend a little better.  If you have anymore questions, please do not hesitate to write me.  I breed bettas, and love them!