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Fish stays on bottom of tank

23 14:52:39

Hi Chris, I saw a question that someone asked you. There fish was sitting on the bottom of the tank.  I have a red oranda that I just love. I have had him for 4 years. He grew from 1" to 5" inches.  He just keeps doubling in size. He is currently living in a 10 gallon tank. He just sits on the bottom. Could his tank be too small.  I change the water regularly. I use the marine salt and a water conditioner when I clean the entire tank.  He recently had a tumor on his fin.  I added extra salt and a fungus pill and the tumor cleared.  I changed his water to fresh and he still just sits.  I thought perhaps some friends would work. I added 2 small orandas and a suckie fish today.  Grampa Fred (my fish) still just sits.  Help.  Please help.....  

Hi Debbie;

His tank is too small. He will soon be affected by toxins from the addition of more fish in such a small tank too. Make a 25% water change every day until you can decide what to do for all those guys. The best solution would be to get a 30 or 40 gallon tank. Each goldfish needs at least 10 gallons per fish.

If he continues to sit on the bottom after getting a bigger tank he may have a swim bladder problem. Here is more info about it;

I hope he feels better soon.....

At Your Service;
Chris Robbins