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help please??

23 11:32:12


Can you tell me what order i should be setting up my filter?

I have a top filter setup with carbon, wool and noodles.

At the moment the carbon is on top, then the noodles then the wool.. Is this correct?


Alos, can you give me any more advice on how to speed up the cycling of my new tank, it is 3 weeks old now and i am still getting high ammonia levels, i have been changing 30-40% of the water every 3 days and still the ammonia is not going lower...

I have 4 red-eye tetras and a catfish in a 50 litre tank...

Please help??

I have cut down the feeding to once every 3 days as suggested by my local aquarium and also did a 50% water change 5 days ago...

Hi Darren,
  The exact ordering is not critical, however, it will work better if you put the wool where it will intercept the incoming water first.  It will catch the larger bits of debris. Then put the noodles, then the carbon.  Which one is "on top" depends on the type of filter and the path of water through the filter.  Ideally, you want the water to go through wool, noodles then carbon. That said, carbon is usually a waste of time and money in most aquariums because it loses its effectiveness VERY quickly.  I never use the stuff and haven't in 20 years.

  It takes about 6 weeks for a tank to cycle because that is how long it takes for the various populations of bacteria to grow and stabilize. There are some products that will attempt to speed this up by essentially putting a slug of the bacteria into your tank. Some of these work, some do not.  Personally, I would just figure on it taking 6 weeks. During that time, it is a good idea to do small regular water changes. 50% is too much at once.  You would be much better to do 25% every few days.  You should be able to feed the fish everyday.  Feed them only what they will eat right away.  Never put in extra food for them to "eat later". That will rot and spoil your water faster than anything.

-- Ron
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