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23 11:31:42

hello ron,

can you tell what type of gravel or rocks harbors the largest amount of good bacteria.please also send the photos of gravels and rocks that you are recommending.and please name the trees that can be used as driftwood in my fresh water oscars aquarium.

Hi Amit,
 I suggest gravel that is about 1/8" in diameter or so. Really fine gravel tends to pack down very tightly and that can be bad. Really large gravel has too many large spaces in it and rotten food will sink down in between.  Whatever size gravel you use, be sure to regularly clean it with a gravel siphon. You should do this no less frequently than once a month.
  I would not use any local trees for driftwood.  I only use driftwood that I get at an aquarium store. That wood has been treated for use in an aquarium.  

-- Ron
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