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sick comet

23 14:48:40

hi Amber,
I have the 10 inch fantail anorexic comet with the clear poop. He's still kickin but not doing so good. He's starting to have trouble swimming. He's not having bouyancy issues, he'll just kind of swim for a bit then drift, bump into something then swim for a bit more. I know this sounds desparate but is there any safe way to force feed a fish? For a fish that started life out as a "feeder" he is the most beautiful fish in all my tanks. I really am quite fond of him and hate to see him go but I would rather euthinize him than watch him waste away.
   Thanks again for all your time, Sandy

Hello again Sandy-

This sounds more and more like an internal blockage to me. The clear feces are the first sign, but this symptom is common to many other diseases and problems. Now that he is having trouble swimming, he's come down with the second symptom.

I'll give you some treatments to use, but be warned - unless the blockage is passed, the success rate is not very high. :(

1.) Epsom salt baths. You'll need a separate container for this treatment. Use 9.5 ounce of Epsom salt per gallon, and leave the little guy in there for 5 minutes (unless he seems to be getting very ill.) Then place him in his regular water. Watch him carefully, and do not attempt this unless he is strong enough to recover.

2.) Force feeding. This is very stressful...but can be done. You'll need a syringe (no needle, of course.) Mush up some peas and a little flake food, and lift the fish gently out of the water, just so his mouth opens. Squirt some in, a little at a time. Most will come out the gills, but some will be swallowed. Feed as much as you feel comfortable with.

3.) Surgery. Very few people will do fish surgery. Try a local university or ask a vet. This is your last option, and may cost more than you'd like.

This is all I can think of...I hope your little guy recovers. :(

-Amber Worman