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Help with a Sick Cichlid

23 11:01:15

We have had this Cichlid for approx. 2 years.  She is in a 75 gal tank by herself.  She recently spawned (2 weeks ago) and 6 days ago we noticed this buldging/protruding anus.  Since we are not sure whether it is intestinal, or elongated egg tube, etc...we have not fed her.  We did increase the temp in the tank to 75-80 degrees.  Also added Epsom salt.  Home remedies that we new would not hurt her.  I'm attaching a picture to see if you can tell if this is a parasite that we need to treat.  We live in a small town so there's no one to ask locally, so we rely on the internet.  This fish is a VERY picky eater.  She does NOT eat pellets or peas.  Only likes shrimp brine, red worms, earthworms, etc...  Anything you could tell us would be much appreciated.  This fish is my son's pride and joy, and he will be devestated if something happens to her.

Hi Lynn,
 I got the picture in the second email.  Your fish is a jaguar cichlid, also called Parachromis managuense. They come from Central America (parts of Costa Rica and Nicaragua).  It is hard to say from here, but given that she just spawned, it is not unusual for her to have a protruding egg tube for a while.  Also, she may be spawning again.  I assume that there is no male around?  I have a similar fish spawn every two weeks like clockwork even though she had no male around. If you could get a closeup picture of the anus area, that would help.  You could email me directly with the photo.

-- Ron C.
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