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How does this sound for an aquarium?

23 11:13:25

Hello Jaymie, I've asked you a question within the last week and appreciated your answer helping me with suggestions regarding a 29 gallon tank I'm going to re-start.  

I'm presently going to begin fishless cycling tomorrow and after everything is ok, here's my plan for it.

I would like it if you would tell me if the numbers are ok as far as not overcrowding and if any numbers could be 're-arranged'.  Also, lastly, can I mix Panda Cories and Julii cories?

I would like to get 6 Neon Tetras (wish I could get a few more but doubt it for tank size), 6 Cories (hopefully a mix of 2 types but not important), and finally one male Dwarf Gourami.  

Thank you if you could answer these questions.



 Yes you can mix the cories that will be fine. As far as the rest of the tank residents it all sounds pretty good to me. That is a perfect amount of fish, you might be able to add 4 more tetras to the mix but would not add anymore than that. Remember the cycling take 2 to 3 weeks. Please, do not add any of these fish until the tank is set up and the water reading are within normal range. Good luck with this tank.