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My Tanks

23 11:13:26

QUESTION: hello. I am going to be buying a 55 gallon tank (36x18x18)
i would like to have the following fish in this aqurium.
3 bala sharks
2 koi angel
1 leopard-spotted plecostemus

Do you have any other suggestions? Thank you

I will also be getting a 20 gallon tank (24x12x12)
In this, I would like to put:
5 cardinal tetra
5 pygmy gourami
3 blue tux guppies
4 zebra danios

ANSWER: Patrick, the fish you are anticipating putting in the 20 gallon tank would be great together, great choices. The 55 on the other hand, I'm not sure about only because, bala sharks get to be around 12". This is big for a 55 with other big fish, like the angels which will get around 8" if kept healthy. I would either get only 1 or 2 bala sharks withe the other tank-mates or try to decide on different tank mates for the angels. Dwarf gouramis go good with angels, also danios like you mentioned, glo fish and any other community fish. If you like the look of the bala but want a smaller fish, try looking at the scissor tail rasboras, similar look to me. I have a few with my angels, go great. Let me know what you decide, good luck. If you have any other questions, I'm here.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Wow John! Thanks very much!!! I am mosrt pleased with your
reply! It came quick and very helpful! :)

Do you thin the bala sharks would be okay for about a year
in the 55 gal? I knew they would eventually outgrow though.
What are some good tankmates besides angels that go well
with the bala? Thank you again.

ANSWER: Patrick, I first would like to thanks you higlhly for your response back. I hope you continue to give me positive ratings as I continue to answer yor questinos. I do care more than the normal person about fish. Anyway, your bala shark will be fine for that period, longer too. Although they get get big, they normally don't grow to full size as quickly as other fish. Good for your case! As I mentioned in the last answer, I would say you should get a couple dwarf gourami. They are not normally aggressive, and are wonderful to watch, very personable between eachother. Any kind of tetra would be great. I wouldnt feel comfortable recommending certain fish becasue my taste may not be the same as yours ya know. I myself like the rasboras of any kind, red serpae tetras would go great, also, glofish, and they are amazing under a black light! I found the blind cave tetras to be interesting and very interesting to watch how they maneuver around the tank, bette than fish who have eyes! Red eye teras are good, also known as lanp eye tetra, all of these I am about to mention I like and will go good with the tankmates you mention. Make sure you dont add to many at once though, and make sure the tank is cycled as well, even though most of these fish are hardy: neon tetra, hatchet fish, scissor tail rasbora, white cloud. Make sure that if yo decide to get some of these that you get a few so they school. If not, some may become fin nippers which is not good for the angel. I like many more fish by the way  but none of which will go good with your current selections, not a bad thing though, dont take that the wrong way. I've had many different types of fish and many sizes of tanks. It all depends on what you yourself decide and like. Good luck and again, Im always here to help or listen.!, Jon. Let me know what you go with.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Okay, I think I'll take the angels and bala sharks. I have
the 20 gal too, so I won't be disappointed with schooling
fish. Thank you very much Mr. Jon, you have really helped me

Does your area of expertise also cover fiters, equipment,
etc.??? That is my next concern. That and actually finding a
50 gallon tank for a good price!

Absolutely, I don't advertise it on the other areas just because we have to submit all of our info again etc etc. Its a pain to sum it up. I can answer anythin my friend. I have recently purchased 2 55 gal tanks, and unfortunatley a new filter for one due to it burning up lol.  I'm not sure where you live so, prices are hard to tell for you. Let me know, I can definitely help with whatever you need to know.