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When doing partial water changes do i..?

23 14:53:08

Do I take the fish out of the tank every time i do water changes? I have had this 29 gallon tank for years, and I had always had some problem keeping the tank clear, until I found out about changing 25% of the water every week or so, I have my tank set up, it has ran it's cycle and is very clear, but i want it to stay that  way so i want to do water changes but I need to know should I leave fish in or would that be too much of a shock? The poor Gouramis have been through heck and back with me trying and finally succeeding in getting the water clear, ph is where it needs to be! Everythings is great, except for my one question i can't seem to find online....could you help me? it would be greatly appreciated. Thank you Tim.


You don't have to take the fish out they would be less stressed if you left them in their. To make the water clear you can use "Jungles cloud Clear" to make clear again. The fish won't go into shock unless you change alot of their water like 50-100% of their water.