Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Fish > Betta Fish has Curling Fins with Tiny Lumps

Betta Fish has Curling Fins with Tiny Lumps

23 14:48:42


My 2 year old Betta Fish's fins are curling all of a sudden at
the edges, with tiny little lumps at the base of his tail.  
Otherwise he is eating and active as of this morning.  What
does it sound like, and how can I treat it, please?  I'm very

Many thanks,     Carol

Hi Carol,
 I assume that you are doing regular water changes and that his tank is clean and has not had any weird things in it lately, e.g., paint, aerosols, etc.

 If that is true, then it just may be that he is getting old.  2 years is getting on for a betta -- they don't normally live much more than a year or so.  Unfortunately there isn't much you can do about that.

-- Ron
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