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Please identify this fish

23 11:59:15


Moonlight cichlid ?
Please have a look at the image attached. I just bought 1 pair for my aquarium. The vendor told me its name as Moonlight Cichlid. But when I searched for it on the internet, I could hardly find any satisfactory information. I want correct common name & family name of this fish. Please help.

These fish are African Cichlids.  I have never heard of the Moonlight Cichlids, and would not take a chance on giving a name to these fish.  Many African Cichlids look the same when young, but change as they get older.  You should ask the vendor their scientific name.  Many Afican Cichlids do not have a common name.  The one on the picture is a male, I can tell by the dummy eggs on his anal dorsal fin.  The female does not have dummy eggs.  These fish are mouthbrooders which means that the female will keep the eggs in her mouth until they hatch.  This could be anywhere from 22-28 days.  ( Feed her while she has her eggs in her mouth, there is no danger for the fry)  Once free swimming she will watch over them, and the fry will retrieve to her mouth at the first sign of danger.  She should be put in another tank after the spawn.  Leaving her in a tank with the male, and other fish, will stress her, and you might lose her.  Feed them well, pellets, a good flake which is made for African Cichlids, and all kinds of frozen food.  
These fish must be kept in alkaline water with many hiding places of rocky formation, and overturned clay pots.   PH should be 7.5 to 8.0

I think that this fish is from Lake Tanganyika, but he could be from Lake Malawi.   
Hope this helps