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What kind of filter

23 14:43:53

The filter I have is a whisper I have another question my oscars were pretty black and now they seem to be turning a white shade.  

Hi Derek,
 Sorry but I don't understand your question about filters.  Are you asking whether you should get another filter?  If so, that's hard to say.  It depends on how large a tank you have and how large a filter you have.
Personally, I like the Fluval internal filters as a "second" filter on my larger tanks, i.e., I use a Fluval 4 AS WELL AS another filter for tanks over 50 gallons, just to help keep the water clean.

  Oscars will naturally change color.  If however, they go really pale, then that usually indicates that they are not happy.   Are you doing regular weekly water changes?  With oscars, you need to change about 25% of the water once a week, every week, to keep them happy.

-- Ron
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