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betta developed lump on head, mouth is distorted

23 11:25:11

My betta stopped swimming last week at which point I noticed a lump on his head.  Although he was eating at first, he isn't moving around much and is not eating.  It's hard to describe but his mouth looks distorted, larger too.  2 days ago I started started an anti-bacterial treatment but it doesn't seem to be making a difference.  He has had more then one episode where he looked like he was hanging on by a thread but has always bounced back in the past.  I'm wondering if there is anything I can do to help him.  My other betta that lives separately but under identical conditions, is completely fine.

Hi Jen,
Lumps, and bumps are almost impossible to diagnose.  It may be a tumor, or maybe even a boil.  Never try to squeeze it has it will be painful, and would cause death.  Some bettas will live a long time with tumors.  It is much like us. If it is a boil, it will come to a head, and disappear.  A vet could tell you exactly what it is.  The fact that he is not eating troubles me.  When bettas stop eating, they are very sick.  A tumor may be cancerous, but this is rare.  The only thing you could try now is penicllin.  Do water changes, add a little diluted aquarium salt to his water.  I hope this will help, and that this will eventually go away, but if you see that he is in too much pain, then see a vet, or the kindest thing to do would be to euthanize him.  I hate to have to say this.  You can find the right way to do this using clove oil on the web.  It's very sad.  I hope the penicillin will help, but I am skeptical.  This would be the last resort.