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comet wont eat

23 14:48:50

I have a 10 inch fantail comet that stopped eating three days ago. today I noticed that his/her poop is odd. It's translucent and thin. He/she acts normal otherwise and looks healthy but that he/she won't eat has me very worried. I have him/her in an 85 gal. tank with 3 orandas, 2 small koi, one fantail, 1 moore, 1 monsterous pleco, and 4 little feeder goldfish. He is my favorite fish please help. thank you, sandy.

Hello Sandy-

He may just be bored with his food, or he may have an upset stomach. Try feeding him a pea once a day, and see if he eats it. This will clean out his digestive system and perhaps get him to start eating again. You can also try switching to a new food that he may like the taste of.

The thin feces are a sign of digestive troubles, so the peas should do your fish good. Perhaps he swallowed a bit of gravel or something that didn't agree with him - It should all work out in a week or less. Don't worry, it's a common thing and easy to fix!

-Amber Worman