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nostril growth on my black skirt tetra

23 14:48:49

hi i hope you can help me. just today i noticed that on the nostril of one of my black skirt tetras there is a sort of dark green/black growth. i have had the tank and this fish for one and a half years. havent tested nitrite but ph is all cool. have you heard of this?

Hi Joshua;

It could just be a mole or something. Unless it looks infected there really isn't much you can do. Infection is usually red (bacterial), white or grey (fungal). Just keep the environment healthy with weekly 25% water changes and gravel vacuuming every 2 to 4 weeks and your fish have a better chance to fight off diseases.

If the spot moves or anything he may have argulus or a "fish louse". Here is a link to pictures of them;

Let me know what you think......

At Your Service;
Chris Robbins