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Platy fry in a medicated tank?

23 14:03:10

My platy has had pop eye and is currently being treated with amplicilan tablets from our local fish store.  She's been living without a mate for the last 6 months, so I was very surprised to see the tank full of fry this morning.  I suspect she was storing sperm, or else she has hybridized with my sword tail.  However, since I was unprepared for fry I have them in a breeder box in the main tank, which is being treated with antibiotics.  I could set up a new tank in a hurry, but I worry about puttin the delicate fry in an uncycled, unheated tank.  However, I can't discontinue the antibiotics because I don't want to create resistant bacteria. Will the antibiotics hurt the fry? Should I move them to the new tank, or wait out the course of antibiotics (5 more days)?

The fry would be better off in an uncycled, unheated tank than in a tank being treated with antibiotics and sick fish.
Set up a ten gallon tank in a warm room (75 degrees F will be fine) and give them plenty of hiding places and they will be fine.