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help, fish lying on side

23 14:12:39

QUESTION: My gldfish is lying on its side. What should i do? Its on the bottom of the tank (8 leaters). Is it bladder problem?
Reply soon.

  Unfortunately, once a fish is actually lying on its side for extended periods of time, there is very little that you can do for it.  Sorry.

-- Ron
  Cichlid Research Home Page <>

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Its dead,
Is this disorder contagious. My other fish doesn't have these symptoms. It suffered from ammonia burns before. Now they are getting better. But it doesn't eat the pellets which we give it. Sometimes it zooms around the tank fast other times its scared and stays at one end. Water changes are done every day(Chlorine is removed by setting the water for a day-O'Hara) and applied. Its getting better I think. But it still doesn't eat. I tried feeding lettuce without much success.
Please reply.
Thanks Km.

Hi Km,
 That is very hard to say.  It depends on exactly what caused the death of the first fish.  I would keep up the water changes at least for the next while.  The best defense a fish has is good clean water to help maintain its immune system.

-- Ron
  Cichlid Research Home Page <>