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New food making my sick ill

23 14:51:03

I went on vacation, and went to a pet mart in KC Mo, I bought Omega One fish food, I flew home yesterday, and now four of my beta are having trouble, they can't go down, they look bloated.  They were healthy and happy, of course my children are very upset as well as myself as I brought this new food home, any suggestions?  This food says to feed them 3 times a day, we fed it to them once a day in small amount.  We have 20 beta's and I fed this to 8 of them.  Any suggestions would be helpful, thank you.

Hi Janis,

The symptoms you have described sound like swimbladder disorder, an issue where the air filled sac in a fishes' abdomen swells because of a knock, bad water quality, or in your case what sounds like a change in diet.

I would let the fish fast for a few days, up to four will not hurt them. This will allow the pressure to go down -  their swimbladders are rather like overinflated balloons right now. Then I recommend you reduce the amount of Omega One you feed by about 1/3, or return to your old food if you are worried.

Fasting usually fixes the problem, swimbladder is very common and rarely fatal. I hope your fish recover!
