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my fish is dying i need help

23 14:51:03

this morning i woke up and my fish was floating at the bottom of the tank near the bottom of the filter, i took him out and put him in a bowl with one of the tubes that pumps air to oxgenate the water in with him. so far all he has done is flick his tail every 10 min or so... now he is layng at the bottom of the tank and only his gills are moving... im very afraid i dont know whats wrong or how to fix it.... please help me! because my other fish is starting to show signs of the same thing! thank you so so much!  

I am not sure what this could be.  I think it might be SBD (Swim Bladder Disorder).  See, every fish has a swim bladder, which they use to control their depth in the water.  Sometimes they get either extra or not enough oxygen in their swim bladder which leads to what you were talking about.  Remove 50% of the water so there isn't as much wieght on the fish.  Then fast them for 3 days.  Then feed them steamed, skinned, mashed peas for a week.  They should then be swimming normaly.

I hope I helped.