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molly behaviour

23 14:48:19

Hi, a week ago i purhcased 3 mollies, black mollie, white mollie and a dominently black mollie with white spots. When I purchased the black and white one we thought that she was rather over fed and it was only the next day that we relalised that she was actually pregnant as she gave birth to fry, three survived and are happily living in a nursary at the moment getting stronger by the day.  Since the birth the black (slimmer - faster mollie) is chasing mainly the black and white mollie but also sometimes the white one. What should I make of this behaviour? I believe that they are all females - all my fish look the same down there).
The white mollie sometimes fights back and they do this intangled move with the bodies formed like a yinyan symbol. It happens sometimes during meal time but also just in general. The Balck and white one simply tries to swim away but the black one is always faster. The balck and white one seems to try and hide in areas that only one fish can enter when this attach happens. What do you suggest this behavious is and what should I do or can I do about it?
Looking forward to your response.

Hello Sandy-

This sounds like your fish are either establishing a hierarchy or going through a mating ritual (most likely the former.)

Female fish, when kept together, sometimes fight to see who is the alpha. The behavior you are seeing sounds a lot like female betta fish behavior. Once the dominance is established, your fish should settle down.

Adding some Melafix to the tank should help to heal any wounds that may happen during the skirmishes.

Hope this is helpful!
-Amber Worman