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Dumbass Beta

23 14:12:32

My stupid male beta, Simba, whom I brought home on Saturday, is obsessed with his reflection.  The inside of the tank is slightly reflexive, and he can see himself.  I've tried moving and angling the tank, but depending on the time of day, the location of the reflection changes.  At noon I need to move him, an hour later I need to move him, and its stressful on me and on Simba.  How can I keep him from attacking the tank?

Leah,                                                                  There really is nothing you can do. He will have to calm himself. It will not hurt him if he is flaring up after he sees himself. I think it is worse for you than him. That is what glass does he will get used to it or not, He sounds like he is very dominate...don't worry...Tina