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Betta with white spots

23 15:11:00

Followup To
Question -
Chris, I have a betta that has recently developed white spots around one of his eyes. I have read some of your other responses to disease, is that what it is and do I need to get that bettamax stuff? Oh, and we just added a sucker fish to his tank, will this cause anykind of stress?

Answer -
Hi Dora;

I would use BettaMax and also test the water. The addition of the sucker fish may have caused him problems. New fish can make toxins (ammonia and nitrite) temporarily rise or may even pick on the other fish you already have. If toxins are up, make a water change or clean the tank if it has no filter.

What kind of sucker is he?
What size tank do you have?

Followups welcome

At Your Service;
Chris Robbins

Chris, The sucker is about 2 inches long  I have no idea what kind he is.  We only have a 5 gallon tank, with a filter. Are there water testing kits available? As you can see we are new at this.

Thanks again,


Hi Dora;

Yes, test kits are available at your local fish store. They can also test the water for you, usually for a small fee.

The tests you need are;

PH - should be 7.0 to 7.5 for bettas
Ammonia - should always be "zero"
Nitrite - should always be "zero"
Nitrate - should always be below 40 ppm

If any levels are not right, partial water changes of 25% are the best remedy.

Watch the sucker to be sure he isn't harrassing the betta. Observe the tank from a distance so the fish are acting naturally. (Some get scared or excited when they see us) Some bother others in the dark so try to watch them with subdued light as well.

Followups welcome

At Your Service;
Chris Robbins