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23 11:07:41

Hi Fish Deeva,
Long time no chat. Anyway, why do platies peck at rocks and other decorations? They look like they are kissing the fake tank skull. The Corydora catfish is acting the same way.

Hi Manahil,

Yes, long time.

Well, they see microscopic foods we don't see.  Inside your tank are all kinds of creatures you don't see, but if you were able to take a drop of water, put it on a slide, smear it and cover it with a piece of glass...and then, to put it under a microscope, you'd be AMAZED!

There are little creatures too small for us to see, which she sees.  She's munching.

Also, growing in minute, small bits which you may/may not notice, are small bits of plant-life as well, sometimes.  Platies love those.  She's not "kissing" as much as she's nibbling invisible food.

Here is a cool picture of pond water for you to study today.  This might fascinate you since this is the type of stuff that's in your tank, right under your nose, but we don't have good enough eyesight to see it!

That is a pond-life link, however, you have similar things in your aquarium, because a good, well-established aquarium has lots of good things in it helping to break down bad things like excess food, debris and poop.


Happy fish-keeping!