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Betta follow up

23 14:59:40

Hi Chris,

I tried the epsom salt bath remedy today for 30 minutes and he still isn't any better. So I've tried peas (which sink to the bottom and don't interest him at all), the partial water change with treated water, food (which he still refuses after nearly 1 week), and now the bath. I am at a loss. I have expected to find him dead each morning I've come into work but that of course hasn't happened either so I'm wracking my brain here. If you have any other suggestions, please let me know. Thanks again.

Hi Kelly;

When asking followups it is important to include our previous correspondence. That way I know what I've already recommended and we don't waste time. Anyway, have you tried warming him up? Bettas water needs to be at least 76 degrees all the time. Eighty to eighty-two is better when they are sick. A desk lamp left on the tank is helpful. If your office is cold you might want to bring him home instead. Businesses often turn the heat way down or off at night.

If you have already tried raising his water temperature, you might try using an antibiotic in case he has developed infection from constipation. "Maracyn 2" is the most commonly available one that can work for that. It absorbs into the fish. Other medicines can't do that and treat external problems only.

Don't worry that he hasn't eaten for a week. Fish can live just fine with no food at all for 3 weeks or more. There's still plenty of time to keep trying before he could starve to death.

Keep up the good work and just do the best you can. That's all that can be expected.......

At Your Service;
Chris Robbins