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New Tank

23 11:29:39

I have a 32 gallon tank that I was using to house a few gouramis, angels, etc. but I recently moved them to a 55 gallon. Now I have an empty 32 gallon that I would like to stock which is set up for tropical freshwater. I am considering stocking the tank with either freshwater puffers or dwarf cichlids. Do you have advice on which would work better in this size tank and have the simplest care needs?
If I do go with the dwarf cichlids I will want the most colorful cichlids possible since their color and personality is the largest appeal for me.
I know that the puffers have wonderful personalities as well and I may actually be able to plant the tank without the threat of the cichlids tearing them apart.

Hi Christen,
 If you go with pufferfish, you can have basically one.  You also cannot typically put any other fish in there, the puffer, sooner or later, will kill it.  They look cute, but they are incredibly efficient predators.  

-- Ron
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