Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Fish > Help!!!! Quick!!!! My Beta fish Lays on it side at the bottom & it has white fluffy stuff on it!

Help!!!! Quick!!!! My Beta fish Lays on it side at the bottom & it has white fluffy stuff on it!

23 14:47:32

(This is my second betta fish. My other one I had 5 years ago died.)My dad just got me a male betta fish for me on the 24th and we put him in a betta tech bowl and he was doing okay (we put distilled water in it)but now he is laying at the bottom and he has white fluffy stuff on it and I don't know what to do.He also seems like it is a struggle to go to the top and he hasn't eaten since I got him. Please help soon! Thank You!


Hi Tori,
 I'm sorry to hear that he isn't doing well.  Do you have some way to heat the water? He should be up around 80oF or so.  
Please describe the "white fluffy stuff".  Does it look like cotton growing on him or something else?

-- Ron
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