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Setting up the tank...

23 14:02:49

We are going from a 20 gallon to a 55 gallon tank. We just started with a pair of Oscars and they are having trouble in the 20 gallon tank but when we first purchased everything they sold us three Oscars failing to tell us we would need a much larger tank for one let alone two or three. we are hoping both Oscars make it until we can get the 55 gallon set up! One major problem we are having in the 20 gallon is the ammonia hoping that the 55 gallon will help with this could you please help me in setting up our 55 gallon. We don't want to move to quickly and not have the tank ready. If I could ask I have heard mixed things about filters some say its ok to have the one that just comes with the tank that goes on the bank of the tank, some say you need a much larger "canister" filter? We would really like to have these fish for years to come and want to do it the right way! Any help would be greatly appreciated! Thank you and have a great day!

Hi Lynn and Jeremy,
  Yes a 20 gallon tank is waaaay too small for oscars, let alone three of them.

  An "over the back" filter is fine.  There are many different kinds of filters and each has its pros and cons.  Whichever kind you use, be sure to keep it working well and that should do the job.  The key thing to remember is that a filter DOES NOT replace doing regular water changes.  For an oscar tank, you absolutely must change 25% of the water once a week, every week to keep them healthy (and to keep the ammonia down).  

 Oscars eat a lot and they are messy eaters. This puts a lot of organic material into the water and it is through the combination of good filtration and regular weekly, partial water changes that you can keep them happy and healthy for a long time.   

  Also, NEVER feed them feeder goldfish.

  As far as transferring from one setup to the other, setup the 55 gallon tank, and transfer the fish and half the water from the old tank to the new tank.  That will jump start the new tank immediately.

-- Ron
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