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Feeding Oscar KOI Food?

23 14:26:29

Hi Ron,

I have an Oscar that is about 2 years old. I have been feeding him medium cichlid pellets, they are very tiny, and an occasional small gold fish from an outdoor pond. He seems to be unable to see the oscar pellets unless I dump many in there at a time. I have a large tub of KOI food for my pond. This KOI food is large, a little over double the size of my oscars food. I was wondering if I could feed my Oscar the KOI food, if that would be healthy and not harmful? Thank you!

Hi Dustin,
 Personally, I wouldn't feed him koi food.  Koi and goldfish food tends to be lower quality than cichlid food (though I'm sure there are exceptions).  I would get a food like Tetra Cichlid Sticks, which is what I feed my large cichlids.

-- Ron
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