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Betta Fin Rot Help!

23 11:13:00


I bought my lovely male Crowntail betta Jaws at the local pet store about 4 months ago. He was a bit of a runt when I got him, but for the most part he was a healthy little guy. About a month ago, I noticed quite a bit of stringy fungus-looking material hanging off the rays of his dorsal fin. On top of that, his tail fin and anal fin are deteriorating due to fin rot... Luckily, not too rapidly, but the more the time passes the worse it gets. I've tried absolutely everything to get him better: Tetracycline, Maracyn One and Two, MarOxy, Melafix, and a small amount of Pimafix. I didn't use them all at once though, I tried them at different intervals. What am I doing wrong? Please help! I don't want to lose my little guy.




  That is a lot of different medications and although you didn't give them to him all at once, it is doing more harm than good. Fish are small and cannot handle a lot of different medications. If you have a filter with him, the carbon needs to be removed while you are treating him. If you leave the carbon in, it will remove the medication before it has time to work. I use product called Bettafix. It seams to work for me in one dose. I only use it when other non chemical treatments do not work. Below are instructions on giving him a salt water bath. This is what I do to all 11 adults when they start showing signs of fin rot or other illnesses. You didn't mention a heater. Betta's are tropical fish and need the water to be 80-82 degrees at all times. If the water temp goes below 80 degrees, then your fish will get sick. Heaters are very important. If he has had this for awhile, the first thing I would do is a 25% water change. ALL fish illnesses can be avoided by doing weekly water changes. Weekly water testing is also a must. If there is going to be a problem with your fish, the water is going to be your first clue. Water changes are the key in having healthy happy fish. If after the water changes, the heater, the salt water bath and the Battafix do not work, or he gets worse, let me know.


 Get a container that can hold 1 gallon of water the same temp as the tank water. Add 1 teaspoon of aquarium salt that has been dissolved before adding your fish to that water. If you don't dissolve it first it can burn your fish. Let him swim in this water for 5 minutes the first day, both times, 10 minutes the second day and 15 minutes the third day and every day after for 5 days. watching him closely the entire time he is in there. I want you to watch him in case he starts to have a problem, you can remove him from the salt water immediately. I would do this 2 times a day, but never in the same water. Always make fresh salt water every time you put him in.