Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Fish > my new boesmani rainbow isnt eating

my new boesmani rainbow isnt eating

23 11:05:22

My 46g tank lightly planted with live plants, filter with a fluval 405 and a whisper 60. The tank have been running for about 4 month now. I have two angels, two red blood parrots, and 1 australian rainbow and 1 male (not sure but his color are realy bright) boesmani rainbow. about four days ago i added another male boesmani rainbow to the tank. i saw the old rainbow chase the new one a litle bit. But the new ones havn't been eating any of the Tetra flake. He just swim around the tank. What should i do to get him to start eating? I will try some frozen bloodworm to get him to start eating. Did i do something wrong?
thank you

Quan,     Truly, Your tank will definitely need to grow with these guys. Especially your blood parrots and angels. It will be beautiful. As far as your rainbow, what I would do is add another one. I know this is going to sound strange but, they are one of them fish that do well alone or with more than two because they are schoolers. I would add some extra fake plants. Your angels are very territorial and this will help alot. Good Luck, Tina