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Concern for my black mollies

23 14:44:47

Well I have about three ??? it concerns my mollies.1rst off my black molly is pregnant and started to give birth yesterday,I believe,cause I found 8 tiny fish swimmimg on the bottom where she was.So I had put her and the baby in this fish net breeder,but I don't know if they are hers or not now because she hasn't given birth to anymore and she's still very big.That and I had bought at petsmart a few days ago 2 female guppies for my males, so naturely I'm wondering r they one the guppies(if I saw a picture of some babies,on either type of fish I would know)?...2nd in molly and guppy tank(10gl)there is something on the inside of the glass,it looks like a small thin string about 2-3cm long and their are alive(they move around)?...3rd under my male molly lip is something white(it almost looks as though he has a lip piercing,thats what it makes me think of when I see him)?I know it's not normal,I looked when at the others at petsmart,I asked the sales rep.but she was didn't seem to know any question I asked her.....please help I'm kinda knew at the whole tank with that requires the aqua-salt,I do as I'm surposed to when adding water and it has it's conditioner in it.Thank you for your time!  

This is a picture of guppy fry:
Sorry for the quality of this picture, but it is the only one I can find of Molly fry:

I've had the string things in my tank before. They are harmless parasites which will disappear soon enough. Try scraping them off with a razor or flat blade to get rid of them quickly.

I am not sure what the thing on your molly's mouth is. Is there any chance of posting a picture of her? It would help a lot.

Thanks for asking,