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Dwarf Gourami Behavior

23 11:37:13

QUESTION: I recently bought a Dwarf Gourami (he is the only one) and two albino Corydoras.  I understand that the cory's are relatively active fish as they are turning out to be, but I was under the assumption from the information that I have read and people that I have spoken with, that Gourami's are relatively calm.  My little guy is not at all...he keeps darting around the tank--up and down, back and forth...really weird.  I watched him in the tank before I chose him and he did not act like this at all.  I have checked the pH (6.0), Nitrates (10), Nitrites (0), Ammonia (0), and water hardness (120ppm).  All are within the normal range from what I have read.  The temp is staying at a steady 78 degrees...

Is this normal behavior?  Is he just getting used to the tank possibly?

ANSWER: Hi Rachelle,
Drawf Gouramis are timid little fish, and must have a well planted tank.  The plants should be mostly along the sides of the tank leaving space to swim.  He should also have a floating plant.  He should be housed in a 10 gallon tank, and he should have tankmates such as a school of tetras.  The plants can be real or silk, but the floating plant should be real.
I hope this helps, and that he will be fine.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Are the corydoras stressing him out??  

He does have a large plant in the tank near the glass wall and plenty of places to hide.  I do not have a floating plant though. I will make a note to pick up one ASAP.

The cory catfish are not stressing him. Drawf Gouramis love plants, so I think maybe he should have more plants in his tank.  One plant is not enough for these fish because they are timid, and in their habitat they have lots of plants.  If you could get a few to cover the sides of the tank, I am sure this would help.  This is what is stressing him, not enough plants in the tank, and a floating plant.