Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Fish > crazy beta

crazy beta

23 14:21:35

My beta fish isn't eating and it is been 2 weeks. Plus, he keeps on swimming around in circles, and at the slightest bit of noise (such as putting a glass of water on the counter) he gets freaked out. He has no puffiness, and he is barely starting to loose color on the bottom of his tail. I'm worried. Please help!!!!

nerina, It sounds like a swim bladder infection. I would treat him with a mild broad spectrum antibiotic melafix is all natural. I would also give him a pea squeezed between your fingers remove the husk when he is done. This is like a laxative since they do sometimes get constipated. Give him one every other day if he is eating it for a week. After your treatment do a water change.... You can also add aquarium salt 1 tablespoon per 5 gallons. This will help him relieve waste material from his system and stress. Good Luck, Tina