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Female bettas living together

23 14:06:10

I am the owner of two female betta fish. I have heard that that females can live together but when I put them together they started fighting. I separated both and thaey are fine. Are they able to live with eachother?

Hello Rick,
I am assuming you are trying to stick them together in a bowl, or something around one gallon? The reason this does not work is because for one, they ARE aggressive, territorial fish no matter how you look at it, and territorial fish MUST have a certain amount of space to themselves. When another fish gets into their "bubble", they tend to get defensive.
Also, don't forget that the more fish you have in one tank, the larger the tank has to be anyway, to make sure their is enough swimming room, and enough water to dilute ammonia production - and although this doesn't apply to Betta being that they're labyrinth fish - most fish will also require a larger surface area for enough gas exchange (oxygen in the water, because they do in fact breathe oxygen - they just do it in a different way).
If you were to get a ten gallon tank, and put three of four female bettas into it, as long as you have enough decor for them to each claim their own territory, they will be fine.