Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Fish > Plecostamus


23 14:07:21

Do you know much about Plecostamus? My friend bought the neatest Pleco. She doesn't remember what it was called. It was a shade of green with black stripes running verticuly on the pleco. Can you help? I researched many sites and couldn't find it. Thanks for any info.

It is most likely a hybrid. Plecostomus grow to all different lengths - ranging from about 5 inches to over 2 feet in length. From what I've seen, you most likely have a larger breed (the smallest that I know of is the Rubber Lip Pleco, most others grow to at around 18 inches) that will likely grow to at least 18 inches in length. You should have at least a 40 gallon tank. You may want to check out a zebra hybrid and see if that may be what you have.
Here is a great website for info on Plecos -