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Goldfish with a bump

23 15:08:01

I was by my parents house and their goldfish has a bump on his side. I dont know what size tank it is. I think 5 gallon, it was a Mickey Mouse tank, with ears on top. (not sure if you are familar with that kind, but its small)The tank is over 8 years old. (So is the fish) Only the one goldfish lives there. Not sure of the filter system they have or the chemistry. The water was dirty and my Dad said he was going to clean it.  I think that the tank is WAY too small because the fish is the biggest goldfish I have seen. Its like he is swimming in circles. I want to get them a bigger tank,  maybe 10 gallon so he can at least swim around. Ok, I was wondering if you can tell me the best way to transfer him to the bigger tank and what is that bump on his side?
Thank you very much for your time.

Hi Laurie;

He may have a tumor or something. Does the bump look like it is under the scales or is it on top of them? If it looks like it is under the scales and pushing them out it is probably a tumor. There isn't much you can do except keep his tank clean so his immune system is stronger and he is as comfortable as possible. If it is a sore that is on top of the scales or the scales are missing I would say it is infection. Keep the water clean and use Melafix. It is a natural fish remedy that heals skin and helps fight infection. Change 25% of the water every couple of days to reduce the wastes and bacteria while he heals.

The tank is way too small for a goldfish. He needs at least 10 gallons. 20 is much better. The fact that he has lived so long in this tiny little tank is amazing. He must be a very strong fish to have survived in there so long. Most don't even make it past the first year in a tank that size. Goldfish get 6 to 8 inches long and live to be over 10 years old. That's why they need so much room.

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