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Pot Bellied Mollies

23 14:13:40

QUESTION: We just got our first 12 gallon aquarium for Christmas and are completely new to the whole experience.  We live in a rural area and had to travel 2 hours to get our fish for the tank.  We picked out four of the Pot Bellied Mollies and brought them home.  To my horror, the next morning after putting them in the tank, there were baby fish in the aquarium and the other Mollies were chasing them and eating them.  It never occurred to me that I should think about the sex of the fish I got.  I think I have 2 girl Mollies (one which had babies and the other who looks pregnant) and 2 males.  If I decide to keep the 2 male Mollies will they fight with each other because there are no females? I am more attached to the males than the females so if I had to choose I would want the males.  Also we got the fish on Friday December 28.  Do you think if I try to take the two fish I am not keeping back to the store they will make the 2 hour drive.?  I have no idea what to do!!!  Please Help!!

ANSWER: Hi Melisa,
  I guess I am not clear why you cannot keep all four mollies in the tank.  Mollies regularly give birth and just as regularly most of the babies get eaten.  That is normal for mollies.  You might consider adding some plants (real or plastic) to the tank, for the babies to hide in and a few might survive.  The main reason why mollies have so many babies so often is precisely because they get eaten.  

-- Ron
  Cichlid Research Home Page <>

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: I have daughters that are two, four, and six,and they cry every time a baby fish gets eaten.  Plus we don't want the babies because I can't have that many fish in the tank and I don't have a pet store to give them to. So I was just wanting to keep the males so there would be no more babies.  Can you keep male pot bellied mollies in an aquarium with no females?

Hi Melisa,
  Yes, you can keep male mollies in an aquarium without females.  They of course will be less happy.

  As far as the babies getting eaten, I can see that it is a difficult issue, but it is also a very real part of life.  

-- Ron
  Cichlid Research Home Page <>